Sound therapy improves physical and mental health

Voice therapy or sound therapy is one of the most recent methods of treatment recently used, although it has been known for millions of years, and it is among many well-known methods of alternative medicine, such as herbal medicine and Indian and Chinese medicine. So do we know that although the loud voice and noise that has become the hallmark of our modern life behind many of us suffering from tension, high blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat, there are sounds that help to heal, and God has inspired us some vocal practices that help relieve stress, And mood deviations, and even from some organic diseases, these sounds we practice without feeling as if our bodies are treating themselves by themselves.


The sound therapy is represented in the presence of a number of sick people in a circle to sing and play, during which they imagine their pain with their eyes, while singing or repeating the musical phrases while they cry. In front of the circle, a woman who leads her stands carrying a stick that beats the edges and two transparent bowls, encouraging the participants to repeat simple passages containing some long vowels (from the oaths, the waws, and the elongated yas) as she sings louder than everyone else and urges them to embody their pain in front of their eyes to get out of them.


We must know that voice therapy is similar to music therapy, which doctors use to re-speak for people with strokes. This is also confirmed by specialists that sound therapy leads to relaxation of the person and removes his tension, and also increases physical energy and improves physical, mental and emotional health.


Scientists and researchers have developed a number of scientific theories to explain sound therapy on the human body. In one of the theories, Dr. Halpern, one of the students of Western medicine and Ayurveda medicine, stated that sound therapy depends on the concept of energy centers in the body according to Indian Ayurveda medicine. There are eight centers, each called "chakra", distributed along the body to coordinate the flow of energy between the organs. It is believed that each "chakra" has a specific vibration related to the musical scale, and these vibrations disturb the disease and pressures, and sound therapy restores its frequency level to it.

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